According to the respected Pew Research Center, ‘the Millennial generation defines itself by its use of technology”. We all see their prevalence on the web, in social media, on mobile devices, on their computers — there is no disputing that fact. This is a generation that has grown accustomed to accessing all kinds of information, in many different forms, and processing it in their minds faster than any generation before them. Technological advancements has only increased their exposure to information, and gaining and maintaining their attention has become an ever evolving challenge.
One thing is clear, and that is Millennials are savvy, and with that comes loyalty once they’ve identified sources that they deem as quality and trust worthy. Social media has given them an outlet to connect and share trusted information among each other, and if they see a recommendation from a friend, then that recommendation swells into a wave of support. This is how lead generation and engagement is being cultivated today.
Is your company in a position to engage this large demographic where they are? Let Echo Millennial help your company strengthen it’s brand.
For more interesting insights into the the Millennials, check out the full article at: